Monthly Archives: May 2008

Jane Fonda's Second Coming

By: Cal Thomas We’ve all seen them: aging athletes, beyond their prime, trying to squeeze out one more flight, or one more season, but failing to bring back their glory days. That seems an appropriate analogy for the return of Jane Fonda to the political stage. Having made her first movie in many years (“Monster-in-Law”)…
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Hollywood Worldviews

By: Brian Godawa PREFACE I am a screenwriter. I’ve been at it for over twelve years, winning various screenwriting contest honors and script options along the way. I write stories that interest me, stories that move me, like the one I adapted for the feature film To End All Wars. What I have to say…
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Is Anyone Open to Persuasion?

By: Brian Godawa PREFACE I am a screenwriter. I’ve been at it for over twelve years, winning various screenwriting contest honors and script options along the way. I write stories that interest me, stories that move me, like the one I adapted for the feature film To End All Wars. What I have to say…
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Hollywood vs. America

By: Michael Medved “Emancipate Our Films from Morality!” What went wrong with the movie business in the late ‘60s had little to do with external influences and everything to do with altered attitudes in the industry itself. As a result, untangling the enigma of the evaporating audience involves answers that are both obvious and uncomfortable.…
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Jesus Did Not Eat LEAVENED Bread at the Passover!

By: James and Natalie Ricks Hello Everyone, We are responding to an e-mail that I received challenging keeping the Passover with unleavened bread. The article seeks to prove, among other ideas, that the Greek word, “artos” (Strong’s 740) which is a generic word for bread, proves that Jesus ate leavened bread at the Passover. This…
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Goals Behind Attacks In Israel

By Dr. James Ricks and Natalie Ricks Could it be that Hezbollah’s attacks are primarily for public opinion purposes? Surprised? Well consider this. It is extremely unlikely that the leaders of the Hezbollah terrorist group truly believe they can defeat the powerful Israeli war machine. If they can appear to have parity with, or in…
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Armies surrounding Jerusalem: the prelude?

By James and Natalie Ricks Christ told his disciples that one crucial sign of the end time events was armies surrounding the city. ’And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh’ Luke 21:20. Could it be that the Jewish nation will allow those armies to get…
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