The Awesome Value of the Fifth Commandment


The Meaning of the Fifth Commandment of God


The last six commandments introduce us to a series of laws that define the proper relationships with other people while the first four explain how to relate to God. This commandment is a bridge between the two areas. The fifth commandment underscores the importance of respect for authority for a well-run society.   People must learn how to show respect to others and society in general. The family is the starting place for building respectful character. The fifth commandment is good for both parents and children. Children feel more secure with parental guidelines and rules of behavior. Boundaries are good for the young. Parents are not hassled by out of control children. Parents who honor God are best able to teach their children to also honor them. Children who learn to respect their parents can more easily respect and reverence God.  This world desperately needs to reverse the inability of people to get along. These laws are universal FOR ANY SOCIETY and existed before they were given to Moses by God at Mt. Sinai see Genesis 26:5.


This law comes with a promise. If one obeys it ‘his days will be prolonged’ and ‘it may be well with you’.   See Deut 5:16, Ex 20:12. God gave us this promise. Families are the building blocks of societies and nations. When families are fractured and flawed, societies produce troubled people that will cause a coarsening of society. The sad results of disrespectful children and children without any significant fathers can be seen in news every day. See Proverbs 13:24, 22:15 for the need for discipline. Any nation that understands the importance of strong families reaps the reward of better relationships within the society and blessings from God! Lack of respect for authority sets up the young person for a ruinous life. If a person grows up and does not respect teachers, law enforcement officers and supervisors on the job, they will inevitably fail and experience a disastrous life.


Parents in a loving manner must nurture and develop the next generation. See Eph 6:1-3. However take note that verse four reminds us to not exasperate our children. Kids should be treated with appropriate respect. We must use wisdom in our discipline. We need to be sure the child knows that we love them for themselves not just their accomplishments. We also need to try and set a good example. Children act on what is modeled for them by their parents. If we treat our parents badly when we get old they will probably treat us the same way. Respect grandparents in the child’s presence! We must honor our parents even if they were difficult people with a ton of problems. It is a line God does not want us to cross. We, as adults do not have to follow their sinful examples just show them respect. Parents and grandparents need to teach children about God and his primary laws of love. See Deut 6:4-8. This will be a blessing to them allowing them to live a longer and less troubled life.


Fidel Castro came out into the open after gaining power as a hope bringing revolutionary, and admitted that he was REALLY a Communist. His army went into schools and told the children to close their eyes and pray to God for candy. Then they opened their eyes and found nothing. Then they were told to close their eyes again and this time pray to Castro for candy. While their eyes were closed the soldiers put candy on their desk. Castro was the new all-powerful father figure for Cuba. Needless to say Communism does not work. Cuba suffered both in human rights violations and dire poverty- so much so that hundreds of thousands braved shark infested oceans in rafts to escape.

Crime is spiking in inner cities. Western nations are not as overtly anti-family as Communist.   However one of the factors for the increase in crime is high government dependency. A high proportion of the inner city population is dependent on the government and that dependency tends to replace the father figure. These fatherless families tend to produce children with higher crime rates than other families. God’s Laws do matter. Progressives, who do not believe in the Bible, produce policies that to some extent, undermine family discipline and the value of fathers. They want the child’s allegiance and that of the public, shifted to the state! Progressive socialists refuse to believe in the value of the Ten Commandments or the Bible. IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO COME TO HONOR GOD WITHOUT HAVING HAD A PARENT, ESPECIALLY A FATHER TO HONOR.

Have you ever noticed how a small child holds his parents in awe and respect? This childlike attitude is what God requires of us. (Matt 18:3) If we teach our children well, it will be a lot easier for them to obey and love God. Scriptures: Proverbs 3:1-8, Hebrews 12:5-11.






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