The Deeper Meaning of the Love Chapter I Corinthians 13

Pod Prep: 3-25-16

The Deep Meaning of the Love Chapter I Corinthians 13

A Better Way Agape
Godly love or (agape in Greek), is a more excellent way for the Church of God. Note I Cor 12:31 Paul explains to the troubled, problem plagued, Corinthian Church that the best gift was love. They were fighting over which gift was the best and who had the greatest gifts. Paul explains to them that vain competition is not beneficial or Christian. His explanation is so beautiful that it almost resembles spiritual candy. Paul explains that agape love as the driving motivation for all service to the church is essential or it becomes a striving for nothing. It is all vanity.

1. I Cor 13:1. A Clanging Symbol
Why are spiritual gifts given mankind by God not beneficial if they are not first and foremost based on love? Paul explains that if the motivation is vainglory, tongues, languages, even angelic languages produce words and sounds that are just noise. Melodious words that push vanity or greed or political influence are often destructive sounds. Ananias who told the Apostles a lie to advance his status in the church provides an example. He no doubt spoke eloquently of his generosity. But God did not tolerate it. See Acts 5. Our Languages or tongues are only temporary. In the future God, will give us a pure language that all will know. Evil propaganda and other selfish agendas will no longer be tolerated.

2. I Cor 13:2. I Am Nothing
Paul explains that having knowledge to understand all prophecies without Godly agape is useless. It is nothing. Why? In verse 8 he explains that prophecies can cease or fail. Prophecies about Nineveh failed and others, after they are fulfilled will be of no further value. If one preaches about prophecies out of vainglory and not love it does not really build up the church. It builds up the individual’s reputation only. The same can be said for knowledge. Someday all the knowledge we need will be available to anyone. Note Isaiah 11: 9 which states that the knowledge of God will be as water on the bottom of the sea. Everyone will be surrounded by it. Knowledge can puff one up. The gift of knowledge should be used to strengthen all the brethren. That is real love.

3. I Cor 13:3. Giving All But Gaining Nothing
Charity and giving can be done for some very selfish and carnal purposes. The young Monks who were talked into burning themselves alive in Vietnam to advance a particular political party by their seniors, died in vain. Much of public giving is done as part of public relations to promote celebrities, politicians and firms. The jihadists who blow themselves to bits to murder infidels for a false religion give their lives in vain. It profits them nothing. False propaganda can use beautiful prose in many tongues for evil purposes.
Many people have been converted by watching the loving manner in which true martyrs for God behave out of love. Note the first Christian martyr Stephen in Book of Acts, Chapter Seven. His loving death probably helped in the conversion of Paul, Acts 7:57-60.
4. I Cor 13:4-5. Love Never Fails
A person motivated by Godly love not human love does unselfish things always that serve the body of Christ. See Phil chapter 2. They are patient, kind, humbled, trustworthy and always show perseverance and many other wonderful traits. Verses 6 & 7 further elaborate on the goodness of love and how it never rejoices in evil.
We are to love our enemies as well, and pray for them. See Matt 5:43-47.

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