Understanding the Parable of the Unjust Stewart Luke 16


The parable of the Unjust Stewart the Deeper Meanings:


It was illegal in Israel to charge interest on loans and especially to the poor which would keep them mired in PERPETUAL financial servitude and poverty. See Exodus 22:25. The wealthy found a way to circumvent God`s Law. They hired Stewarts or financial managers to do it for them, with fathom record keeping to avoid any possible criminal charges. The rich man thereby had plausible deniability.

Further, Luke combines a number of the financial parables together to send a combined message regarding the dangers of being seduced by the love of money. Christ is elucidating the many misuses of money or mammon. Note that the Pharisees hated these parables about the proper use of money because their heart was evil and seduced in these areas. Luke 16:14 at the end of this parable “The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said to them,’ you are the ones who justify your selves in the eyes of men, but God knows your heart....’” NIV version. This parable explains the correct use of money.


The rich master of the steward is about to dismiss him for some sort of financial failure to increase his wealth. The steward is complimented on his brilliant strategy by Christ at this crisis in his life. Some people in this materialistic money driven world are quite smart. They know how to use money to get what they want and Christ commends the steward to that extent and sends a message to believers. Materialistic people have a certain kind of wisdom. See Luke 16:8-9. That wisdom is the core of this parable. We know that material things are temporary but we need to use them wisely for God while we are able to do this kind of service.  See verses 5-8 the worldly steward gave the interest and profits back to poor and other customers in such a way as to buy future friends and influence. Money is not evil, but the love of money which is one of the roots of evil. See I Tim 6:10. God wants us to learn to be faithful in using what we have to help the work of God including money. See verses 10-11. The point of this parable is using money wisely to gain credits at God’s throne in heaven is smart like the unjust steward.


This life is our boot camp. We need to learn use our resources, including money for God’s purposes. Christ said layup treasure in heaven where it cannot be stolen. Everything in our world including money is temporary and at risk! Christ is complimenting the worldly evil steward for laying up treasure to buy friends in the future. We believers should lay up at God’s throne true treasure. See Matt 6:33. Use our money to help convert and save people. God greatest work is developing the future sons of God, the cadre of future leaders who will help turn this planet into a paradise. We can help finance getting the gospel to prospects now! See Rev 5:10. Sons of God are the true spiritual treasure that no bank on earth can hold. Give now to help God’s ultimate work on earth, the true treasure, future spirit beings. See Romans 8:18-23. Luke 16:11-12 be faithful in the little things like money to God then we can inherit the true riches which are entry into God’s family, wow! Even a very poor person is likely to be obsessed with money. We all face the temptation to serve the false god of mammon. It is foolish to worship money. Verse 13 tells us we must choose the true God over serving the false gods of this world, mammon and materialism. Use our money to serve God’s work and not self.


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