The Second Third and Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Podcast prep 2nd, 3rd, 4th Horsemen of the Apocalypse:


Rev 6:3-8 first indicates that peace is taken away from the world.  The second horseman is riding a red horse THE blood of warfare.  This is the natural state of mankind when inspired by the devil. The selfish ambitions and natural tensions of mankind lead to war.  This follows the pattern of Matt 24:6.  See also James 4:1-3.   A war larger than WWII will follow.  Weapons such as chemical, biological and atomic will likely be used.  God will allow the devil to suck all the world powers into this conflagration which includes the Battle of Armageddon.  High tech weapons allow for the efficient killing and fulfillment of these prophecies which could not have been fulfilled in the past without such weaponry.


The United States may get defeated in a future war because God is no longer blessing the nation.  See Ezek 7:14 where no one answers the call to defend the nation.  Why not? Maybe our nations will be totally deceived by the Beast and peaceniks.  See IIThess 2:9-12 and IThess 5:1-4.  They convince us to deactivate our nuclear deterrent and ant-missile defenses because peace will reign in the world. Even now the full anti-missile system has not been employed by liberals.   It will be a false peace before the Beast attacks the naïve.   Note the WWII examples of peace talks before Pearl Harbor and Czechoslovakia.


War easily leads into economic upheaval, shortages and starvation.  Military blockades and bombings have often led to starvation. The denarius indicates that they are on a day’s wages for a minimum level of food.  Not harming the oil and the wine implies that shortages will not include luxury foods and items but will be unaffordable or available to the masses.  The elites will later on get their   punishment.  Deut 28:23-24 also indicates that famine is one of the curses on Israel for sinning.


Death and the grave (Hades) would naturally next attack human society.  People will be in general havoc caused by diseases and death.  I wonder if the effect of the radical animal rights people who protect wild animal in close proximity to people would add to the number of animal attacks on the weakened, disarmed populace.  Mat t 24:21-22 speaks of annihilation of all mankind if God did not come and rescue the planet.  The term' Great Tribulation’ implies a greater calamity much more horrible than even WWII.


Rev 18:4 says come out of her my people.  If we remain faithful to God’s Laws, not the world’s religion we will be protected from most of these plagues like Israelites were protected in Goshen from the plagues on Egypt See Rev 3:10 and 12:14-16. Those converted in the middle of the tribulation by Two Witnesses will be protected from God’s plagues.  See Rev 7:3. Stay alert and faithful. See Rev 16:15 AND BE PROTECTED.

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