Climate Change And Its Prophetic Implications

By: Dr. James and Natalie Ricks

What's So Bad about Carbon Dioxide?

Environmentalists and politicians decry that we are all going to be killed because of the carbon dioxide (greenhouse gases) that our industries and cars emit around the world. They are planning on changing our entire way of life because of faulty science. Our attention to the goals and purposes of these environmental scientists and politicians and some activists are definitely warranted. Let's get to the bottom of this fixation on carbon dioxide and what is actually going on in our world. If we don't wake up soon, America as we know it will be just a fond memory.

Carbon Dioxide occurs naturally in nature. It is a chemical compound of two oxygen atoms bound to one carbon atom. First let's remember who created the universe. If Jesus Christ created a process to allow CO2 as a gas in our atmosphere, we can be sure that it is not harmful. Remember, after He created the world, He stated that it was very good. Surely, the planet can withstand a minimal purported change in a mass of Co2 gas and the gas is only 0.04% of the earth's atmosphere!

Latest research shows that CO2 is not a well-mixed gas. To us, that means nothing, but to global warming advocates and some environmental scientists this research is disturbing. They base their theory that CO2 is causing the earth's atmospheric temperature to increase on the idea that the atmospheric CO2 is well mixed with other gases and therefore causes the increased temperature they like to predict. However the latest research from N.A.S.A. (including climate graphs) shows clearly that CO2 is not a well-mixed gas. Areas of the earth where this CO2 warming is heaviest are not the most industrialized. Global warming devotees have used a minimal increase in CO2 temperature, due to absorption, to wrongly conclude that the entire earth is warming.

Carbon Dioxide

NASA's diagram thus not only proves CO2 isn't a well-mixed gas but also demonstrates that there is no link between regions of highest CO2 concentration and areas of highest human industrial emissions.

If regular people can determine that an increase in one trace gas does not constitute a change in the entire climate, why can't learned scientists and politicians? It couldn't be that they have other motives for pushing this issue could it? Since the fall of global Communism (total Socialism) the greatest economic failures in the 20th century the Socialist/Communists are hijacking the environmental, green movement for their failed secular goals.

Many scientists, politicians and activists, supporting climate change (It used to be called global warming till they got caught promulgating bogus climate statistics.) Some are against Capitalism and are for wealth redistribution. Our nation's wealth is at stake. The United Nations a thoroughly anti-American organization has devised a plan to require the western nations like America to pay for supposed climate change. The President of United Nations Climate Conference in South Africa announced in December, 2011, such a plan. Currently only industrial countries have legally binding emissions targets under the 1997 Kyoto protocol. Those commitments expire in 2012, but they will be extended for 5 years under the Durban Plan. They agreed to form a “Green Climate Fund" to help channel up to $100 billion a year to poor nations fighting global warming by 2020.

This plan attempts to put all nations on equal footing with our money. Richard Lindzen in the Wall Street Journal explained that in mid-November 2010 there appeared a file on the Internet containing thousands of e-mails and other documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in Great Britain. The e-mails, whose authenticity is no longer in question, provided an UNFILTERED view into the world of climate research that was revealing and even startling.

“In what has come to be known as “climategate," one could see unambiguous evidence of the unethical suppression of the information and opposing viewpoints, and even data manipulation. The Climatic Research Unit is hardly an obscure outpost; it supplies many of the authors for the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Moreover, the e-mails showed ample collusion with other prominent researchers in the United States and elsewhere."

One might have thought the revelations would discredit the allegedly settled science underlying currently proposed global warming policy, but the extremists cling to the discredited science like a religious cult. Mainstream media has not demanded a full investigation even though vast amounts of tax dollars may have gone to support a dubious theory that man can control the climate or cause climate change. The media has not mentioned the vast ice and snow storms burying some Alaskan cities recently. They required large ice cutting ships to rescue them. But we are told erroneously that the ice in the arctic is melting and that the poor Polar Bears are dying because they have no ice to hunt from. They neglect to mention that the Polar Bear population is even increasing in some areas.

Thinking of ICE CUTTER ships RESCUING ALASKAN CITIES MIGHT BE HELPFUL in evaluating ice glacier inaccurate speculations.

A second round of e-mails has come out again revealing that scientists are saying privately among themselves that they do not really know what is going on in our atmosphere. It is probable that many factors are involved in earth's climate and that scientists do not yet have understanding of all the factors. They do not yet know what they do not yet know; yet speak as if they do publicly.

Perhaps the most inconvenient fact is the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now. This is known to the warming establishment, as one can see from the 2009 "Climategate" email of climate scientist Kevin Trenberth: "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." Every candidate should support rational measures to protect and improve our environment, but it makes no sense at all to back expensive programs that divert resources from real needs and are based on alarming but untenable claims of 'incontrovertible' evidence". See W all Street Journal online.

In addition to Climategate, errant science also led to the loss of much of the logging industry in the Northwest regarding the Spotted Owl. The Environmental Protection Agency thought that the Spotted Owl population was being decimated by the logging industry. It was discovered after halting many logging operations that the Spotted Owl population continued to decline because of being prey to a larger rival owl. The industrial damage was done based on errant ecological science. Part of the logging sector may never recover which was what radical environmentalists wanted all along.

In fact, a large number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on climate change could be even remotely efficient or needed. In September, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever, a supporter of President Obama, in the last election, publicly resigned from the American Physical Society (APS) with a letter that begins: "I did not renew [my membership] because I cannot live with the policy supporting global warming."

Before the fall of powerful empires, for example, The Roman Empire or the vast Soviet Communist Empire, a collapse, or a tremendous weakening of the economy occurs first. Powerful economic and social forces will someday undermine America and Britain's strength and ability to maintain global stability. Then the ability to maintain large military forces around the world will naturally fade away. Any major power which intends to invade its neighbor must now ask “What will America do"? But in Daniel's prophecy regarding the King of the North (the Holy Roman Empire in Europe) and the King of the South with headquarters in Egypt there is no mention of our western powers. Why? One of the reasons is that we have not used wisely our God given natural resources in coal, oil, gas and lumber. Why not? Our government listened to the secular global warming extremists.

If we turn away from God to secular, manmade, socialistic, earth worshipping concepts we will be cursed FINANCIALLY. See Deut 28: 44. Will America turn more and more in a secular ungodly, unbiblical direction and lose our economic power or will we use our God given resources? The gateway pipeline decision and the new proposed carbon tax in Australia seem to be signs of future decline.

So-called clean energy sources are not able at this time to supply the nation's energy needs. It is economic suicide to not use all our natural resources judiciously. The act of buying much of our oil from other nations instead of drilling and using our own oil is a form of global income redistribution. Giving away wealth makes a nation poorer. A poor nation cannot be a player in global power and hegemony. Prophecy will be fulfilled with America and Britain being irrelevant poor and powerless.

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