Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Two Great Blunders of The King of Israel And the US Today

JEROBOAM'S TWO RELIGIOUS BLUNDERS AND THE DEMISE OF ISRAEL Jeroboam was given the northern ten tribes of Israel. God promised him that his dynasty could be lasting like that of King David if only he would obey. However he feared the unified religion of the true God built around the Temple in Jerusalem. Therefore he…
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Are the Lost Ten Tribes Really Lost? Is The House Of David Lost For Now?

Using inductive reasoning, I ask this question. If Christ told the apostles that they would sit on thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel then these tribes must exist!  Otherwise, Christ promised something He could not deliver.  See Luke 22:29-30 and Matt 19:28.  Therefore the lost ten tribes MUST exist at the end time…
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PROPHECIES ARE MORAL MESSAGES The overall reason God is giving prophetic messages is to warn us and help us to grow.  If people as the target of prophetic warning repent, the punishment can be avoided.  The major purpose of prophesy is to help us grow spiritually and morally. If we don’t get this point, then…
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Understanding the Economic Wisdom and Blessings of The Bible

OUR GOAL IS TO GAIN GREATER INSIGHT INTO ALL THE BIBLE One part of Biblical wisdom is often misquoted and twisted by the secular world is regarding economic issues and prosperity. Sometimes they misapply the Bible to help support socialism(communism). God's vast wisdom applies to everything including economic issues. Faith is trusting in God's ways…
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Who Are The Anti-Christ And The False Prophet? Part Two

KNOW THE CORE TRUTHS FROM THE BIBLE TO SECURE SAFETY We believe that our future physical and spiritual security rest upon knowing the basic scriptures regarding the end of the age. God will send terrible plagues upon all who worship the Beast dictator. Ones spiritual security may depend upon avoiding the deception of the second…
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