Yearly Archives: 2016

Haggai Says to Modern Israel Build the Temple and be Blessed

Pod Prep: July 30, 2016 Please Build the Third Temple The Book of Ezra contains the background for Haggai. The Jews had been in captivity for about 70 years when Cyrus the King decided that the Jews could go back. He was even willing to pay for the Temple in Jerusalem. About 42,000 people returned…
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The Danger of Gnosticism for Christians

Pod Prep: 6-17-16 The Dangers of Gnosticism to Christians The New Testament Churches Two Front War -Judaizers and Gnostics During the early Church period when Jewish members outnumbered the gentile new converts, divisive, covert issues were secretly brought in by the Judaizing party. Even after the issues were settled in the conference of Acts Ch.…
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Spiritually Led Deception on Ahab and Jezebel and America

Pod Prep: Pentecost 6-10-16 LBL Spiritually Led Deception Allowed By God, How and Why? I Kings 22:19-23 God used Lying Spirits and False Prophets to Undermine the Northern 10 Tribes Note in I Kings 22:6 that the king relied on the false prophets, misguided advisors to tell him what he wanted to believe. They were…
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Why is grace so misunderstood?

Pod Prep: 5-20-16 Why Is Grace So Misunderstood By The World? Law and Grace, the Basics A scribe trying to trap Jesus, asked which was the greatest of the Commandments. They had clever comebacks to respond to whatever answer our Lord gave. But Christ stated that the purpose of the Law was to demonstrate how…
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Does the Bible Support Socialism & Communism ?

Pod Prep: 5-14-16 Does The Bible Support Socialism or Is It Man’s Philosophy? The Ways of This World Are Ungodly and Thereby Harmful John writes to the church not to love the ways of this world. Note I John 1: 15-17. This would include human governmental and philosophical approaches. See Col 2:8 where Paul warns…
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Is the Trinity Doctrine Biblical ?

Pod Prep: Is The Trinity Doctrine Biblical? 5-9-16 Notice that the basic Bible Information is unsupportive. Paul’s epistles in their greetings and acknowledgements do not put the Holy Spirit on a par with God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ. Note I Cor. 1:3 Paul acknowledges the Father and Christ. Note in II…
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God is not petty but Abundant in use of his laws of Love

Pod Prep: 4-29-16 God Is Not Petty but Abundant In His Laws of Love God Is Not Petty In His Administration of the Laws of Love When we read Romans 14 it is clear that God does not want people dividing and quarreling over doubtful issues. Note that the weak brother is the one that…
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New Testament Passover Services

The New Testament PASSOVER Service MUSIC is played before services begin. It allows people to file in, help set up the room as needed and then get themselves in the proper respectful LOVING APPRECIATIVE mood. We all thoughtfully wait for Sunset and darkness while listening to the music. Read Aloud I Cor. 11:26-33 John 6:44-58…
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Spiritual Renewal and Readiness

Spiritual Renewal and Readiness Plans Improving Our Relationship with Jesus Christ is job number one Paul explains that he has to rely on God for strength. Therefore the more he appreciates his weaknesses the stronger he becomes. God allowed him to suffer so that he would remain humble to counter all the vast revelations given…
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Chronology Of the Crucifixion

Wednesday - Nisan 14 - Night: Jesus ate the Passover with his disciples beginning new testament symbols and Passover, Judas betrayed our savior. Christ appeared at high court. Wednesday - Nisan 14 - Day: Christ was crucified around 9:00 AM He died around 3:00 PM when the Passover lamb was killed. Wednesday - Nisan 14…
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