What Can We Learn From Studying An Earlier Model Of The Beast, Antiochus Epiphanes?

Podcast 6-15-18
What Can We Learn From Studying An Earlier Model Of The Beast, Antiochus Epiphanes?


When the Grecian Empire split into four sections the king of the north became a major force. He is the 'little horn' that came out of the Greek Empire. Note Daniel 8:8-12. This haughty king was a model of the little horn that will emerge out of the fourth and final empire, the Holy Roman Empire of the end times. We can learn a lot about our future by developing a deeper understanding of this model from the past. Jesus Christ himself said it was a marker for the end of the age based on the past.
Mt 24:15 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), (NKJV)
If one wants to understand Bible prophesy regarding the end of this age, Jesus says look at the book of Daniel and the historical record included in his writings. Daniel chapter eleven talks about the first abomination of the Temple as referenced by Christ. JESUS CANNOT RETURN NOW AND FULFILL ALL PROHESY BECAUSE THE THIRD TEMPLE HAS NOT YET BEEN BUILT! Christ himself said that the trigger for the end of this age is the desolation of the Temple. A review of this major event in history as covered by Daniel the prophet will be very valuable to our full understanding.
Da 11:29 "At the appointed time he shall return and go toward the south; but it shall not be like the former or the latter. 30 "For ships from Cyprus shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved, and return in rage against the holy covenant, and do damage. So he shall return and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. (NKJV)
Antiochus IV 175-164 B.C. Was returning from an attempted follow up victory in Egypt. His efforts this time were thwarted by the power of the expanding Roman Empire's navy. The Roman fleet led by Gaius Popillius Laenas forced him to withdraw in humiliation. Antiochus in anger on his way back north, decided to undermine the Holy Land. His immediate predecessor according Jewish scholars, had been thwarted from taking the treasures of the Jerusalem Temple. He also wanted all that gold. He hated the Jews sort of like Hitler did. The evil king used divisive tactics to advance his destruction of the Jews. He flattered those he could lead astray. In the end time, the future anti-Christ will also use flattery and propaganda to mislead many. Christ said in Mathew 24 that the first sign of the end of the age is deception by false leaders. This deception is also the first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Antiochus somehow persuaded the high priest whom he had appointed, to betray the people of God. The proper high priest, Onias III was murdered. The false high priest forsook the covenant of God and approved bad sacrifices. Many of the Jews who liked Hellenism and worldly paganism went along with this betrayal.
Da 11:31 "And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation. (NKJV)
Antiochus attacked Jerusalem and desecrated the Temple of God. He would prefigure the actions of the Beast as covered by Jesus. He abolished the daily sacrifices and sacrificed pigs' blood on the sacred altar; an action he knew would be an abomination to the Jewish people. Some of the Jewish people fought back bravely.
Da 11:32 "Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. (NKJV)
The evil king used divisive tactics to advance his destruction of the Jews. He flattered those he could lead astray. In the end time, the future anti-Christ will also use flattery and propaganda to mislead many. Christ said in Mathew 24 that the first sign of the end of the age is deception by false leaders. This deception is also the first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. See Rev 6:1. Antiochus somehow persuaded the high priest whom he had appointed, to betray the people of God. The proper high priest, Onias III was murdered. The false high priest forsook the covenant of God and approved bad sacrifices. Many of the Jews who liked Hellenism and worldly paganism went along with this betrayal. Jesus Christ warns us that in the end time some will betray their own people for favor with the Beast. We must all steel ourselves against loving this world too much. It will cost some their salvation. America and Israel today are deeply divided among the believers in God, and the secularists and earth worshipers. The comparisons are obvious.
The king of north realizes that if he wants to destroy the religion of the true God and his people he must have help. He must conquer them with lies and deception. Future propaganda and deception will totally alter the beliefs of our future society. Bible I.Q. Is declining steeply now and it should be fairly easy to deceive dramatically in the future. People now do not care about the truth they seem to consume only the news and religions that tell them what they wish to believe.
2Th 2:9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The early model for the Beast, Antiochus IV, used lies and flattery to mislead many of the Jews and the ones who were eager to leave God's ways. They eagerly devoured the spiritual poison. However many were loyal to God and the courageous stepped forward. They did great exploits and defeated Antiochus. Let's return now to the Daniel's predictions of the future. Remember Daniel was written three centuries earlier than the desecration of the second Temple. Further, ten nations will come together to form an end time revitalized Holy Roman Empire headed by the 'little horn' the anti-Christ just as Daniel foresaw. Daniel's unbelievable accuracy in chapter ten and eleven are key proofs of the Bible and HWA used this in his booklet, “Proof Of The Bible”.
Da 11:33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. 34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. (KJV)
The Maccabean revolt defeated Antiochus. During this time, the Jewish were divided into 2 factions. The traditional Jews followed Mosaic Law. The Hellenist Jews liked Greek customs and paganism. Under the guise of preventing war and for peace, Antiochus decreed that Jews could not worship God, but must worship Zeus. Divide and conquer was part of his strategy. Antiochus slaughtered many Jews who would not worship Zeus. The Jewish people were strong and generated a revival of obedience to God. They spread the truth throughout the land.
Some were martyred before the victory and Jewish writers considers these to be the first martyrs in history for the true God. Will God's Churches lead a revival just prior to Christ second coming? Will false brethren pretend to be with the church for opportunities to later betray some for rewards? These are possibilities based on the period of the desecration of the First Temple.


This Greek period is invaluable to our understanding of the future. That is why Jesus referenced it. Daniel chapter eleven now enters a phase that talks about both Antiochus the Great and the final Beast of the end time period.
Da 11:35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. {try them: or, try by them} (KJV)
The Maccabees bravely defeated Antiochus. Some were martyred before the great victory of good over evil. Jews celebrate the miracle of the retaking and cleansing of the Temple to this day. Hanukkah is like the Jewish Fourth of July or Independence day. Christ celebrated this holiday. It is a day of great victory. See John 10:22. Many Christians in the end time will also gain a spiritual victory over Babylon the Great prior to the second coming of Christ and the crushing of the Beast.
Da 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. (KJV)
This king of the north shall have success for a few years. He and his pardner the false prophet shall persuade many to worship him as a God. After his humiliation by the Romans, Antiochus ego wanted to be worshiped as the god. No doubt Satan possessed him to move in this direction. The word Epiphany means great or exalted and he gave himself this title. He also bribed many. We believe the end time Beast will do something similar and many will accept it.
Da 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. (KJV)
Antiochus did not then worship any of the gods his people normally worshiped. He did not even worship the female consort goddess (Aphrodite) that is with all the male pagan gods. Other writers think the phrase 'the desire of women' refers to the Messiah. Antiochus was more blasphemous than any previous pagan king.
Da 11:38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. {in...: or, as for the Almighty God, in his seat he shall honour yea, he shall honour a god, whom, etc} {estate: or, stead} {forces: or, munitions: Heb. Mauzzim, or, God's protectors} {pleasant: Heb. things desired} (KJV)
The final Beast of the end time will worship the god of force. He will worship his military power. While Antiochus is believed to have also elevated the worship of Zeus Olympios in the sanctuary, this idea was contrary to both the Jews and his own Seleucid dynasty. His people had favored Apollo. From this point on Daniel is writing purely about the end time period.
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (KJV)
Paul also spoke of this same end time period as Daniel and warns us to LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU WITH REGARD TO the end of this age and coming of the paradise of God.

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