Are the Lost Ten Tribes Really Lost? Is The House Of David Lost For Now?

Using inductive reasoning, I ask this question. If Christ told the apostles that they would sit on thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel then these tribes must exist!  Otherwise, Christ promised something He could not deliver.  See Luke 22:29-30 and Matt 19:28.  Therefore the lost ten tribes MUST exist at the end time and his second coming and Christ knows their location.

Are the lost tribes different from the gentile kingdoms in any significant manner?  See I Kings 20:31.  THEY HAD A REPUTATION of being merciful in war compared to others.  They granted mercy as was their usual behavior, but unwisely, in this example.  In World War Two, the Germans considered it vital to surrender to the Americans or British for their own survival, and not to the Russians.  For those who are not well versed on the Old Testament and think that Judah and Israel are synonymous, look at I Kings 12:23-24 where God told the Jews not to go to war with Israel.


Genesis says that the major blessing of Israel would go through Joseph and his descendants Ephraim and Manasseh, THEY would be a great company of nations and a great nation.  See Gen 35:11, 48:16-20.  The British Commonwealth of Nations is the obvious family. The British Empire came before the great nation, the United States of America.  Britain and America have the same genetic core, the Anglo Saxons.  Can we find any other set of greatly blessed and powerful nations that could possibly fit this prophesy?  I think not. At one time, the British Commonwealth and America controlled 2/3 of the world’s wealth. No one can doubt the obvious successes and blessings of this family of nations and one great nation.  Is it logical to assume that the success is because they are greater warriors than anyone else?  It is much more logical to assume their success is because of the blessing given to the patriarchs by God.  I would say that the Germans the Japanese (samurai warrior cult) and Turks just to mention a few, are much more warlike than the British.  Yet Anglo Saxons were clearly blessed with victories and are still blessed with many natural resources to this very day.  When Napoleon sold the Louisiana territories to America after he had so much trouble in the new world he said he knew they would make the most of it because everything they did seemed to work out for them. He acknowledged the obvious blessings coming to America.  It is more logical to believe in God’s blessing than that the Anglo Saxons were just lucky.


See Gen 22:17 for the promise.  The Spanish Armada was destroyed in 1588 mostly by weather, God’s blessing.  After that period the British Empire, later augmented by the U.S., controlled almost every major sea and land gate.  Britain itself is a sea gate to the Baltic Sea and the Arctic at that point.  A list of Gates includes:

  1. Suez Canal
  2. Straits of Hormuz
  3. Gibraltar
  4. Singapore
  5. Straits of MalaccaFalkland Islands
  6. Canary Islands
  7. Cape of Good Hope
  8. Khyber Pass
  9. Panama Canal
  10. Hawaiian Islands
  11. Midway Island
  12. Philippine Islands
  13. Kabul Pass
  14. Island of Malta
  15. Bearing Straits off Alaska
  16. Aleutian Islands
  17. Guantanamo Bay
  18. Puerto Rican Islands
  19. Ceylon

All these Gates were controlled for years until our governments became so ‘progressive’ they gave away much of the power.  The British Empire and the later American Empire are clearly the blessings of the God of Israel.


David said he wanted to build God a house so that He would not have to dwell in a temporary tent.  God replied that He was very pleased with David and would instead build Him a house.  Never would it lack a descendant of His to sit on a throne of Israel. Most Biblical teachers say that his dynasty ended as far as ruling is concerned, at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. to the second coming of Christ some 26 or 27 centuries later. Does that seem logically what God meant or what David perceived he meant?  Logic says that is not likely.  Read II Samuel 7: 12-16 and 25-29.  See also Psalms 89:3-4, 34-37.  2600 years of no one on the throne seems to spike the promise!  This is not logical based on God’s positive promises.

It is much more logical that God punished some of David heirs as He said He would. The throne however, is still in operation and has been around for years.  It has been roughed up and overturned and moved around but it is still in operation as promised. What is the most enduring monarchy on the planet that has been in power for many centuries? See Ezekiel 21:27.  It is the British Monarchy and royalty.  Queen Elizabeth’s grand kids get so much publicity it is overwhelming.  Who dissolved the failed Chamberlain Government during the dark hours of WWII?  It was the British king who fired him and appointed Churchill to the leadership that won the war.  Churchill had the vision but needed the royal power to intervene at the crucial moment.  David’s Dynasty is still important. Why did God love David so much?  Read Ps 63:1-6.


It is not essential to our salvation to agree with our reasoning.  However we could logically assert that seeing God faithfully find a way to keep His promises to patriarchs and king David in spite of sins and all the many twists of history is amazing.  It should be inspiring to us. We can trust God no matter what happens.  This is so logical.  Romans 11:12-18 indicates that the foundation of New Covenant Christianity is based in Israel’s history.   All the words of all the Prophets from Moses to these of the Apostle Paul support that foundation.  We are blessed to be grafted into that foundation.

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